
Help center

How can we help you?

"Your Needs, Our Priority: How Can We Help You?"

General Questions

Visiting hours may vary depending on the hospital. Please refer to our website or contact our reception for specific visiting hour details.

To request your medical records, you can fill out a medical records release form available on our website or at the hospital's medical records department. You may be required to provide identification and specify the records you need. There might be a nominal fee for the copies.

In case of a medical emergency, call the emergency services number immediately. They will dispatch an ambulance to your location. Do not attempt to drive to the hospital yourself unless it is safe to do so.

Yes, specific instructions and preparations will be provided to you before any medical procedure or surgery. These instructions may include fasting guidelines, medication adjustments, or pre-procedure tests. It's important to follow these instructions to ensure a successful procedure.

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